Baptism has been a Christian symbol since the time of Jesus (Matthew 3:1-6). It involves applying water to Christians to symbolize their death to the old way of life (Romans 6:3-4) and their new life God provides (Galatians 3:26-27). Baptism, a sacramental “means of grace,” seals one’s intention to follow God (Acts 2:37-41, 8:35-39, 10:44-48). The Bible never defines how much water was applied or how. Therefore, we consider immersion, sprinkling, and pouring all to be acceptable methods of baptism.

We also understand baptism to be a symbol of the new relationship God establishes with His people. Because of this, some choose to have their young children baptized as a symbol of their intention to raise their children in God’s Church and their hope to see that their children choose God’s ways when they are older.

Baptism is an opportunity to experience God in a bigger and larger way that we cannot experience anywhere else. Similar to communion, Baptism is a ritual of our Church that’s intent is to draw us closer to God and receive His grace. Baptism is not about what we do or what we choose, but about what God has done. Through baptism, we recognize the transformation that has taken place in our lives because of Christ, and our submission to His power.


Understanding baptism as an event that we gain an experience that we cannot get anywhere else with God, baptism should only occur once. Once you are baptized, regardless of what church baptized you, God has met you there in the water and that was profound. This profound experience stays with us no matter what. Thus, baptism should only take place once. Many people, however, still feel a need to be baptized again. This is fine! We call this “re-affirming your baptism”. When the baptism takes place, it may sound slightly different, but we are remembering the work that Christ has done in your life and affirming your committing to this life long calling.


The purpose of dedicating children is a commitment you, as a parent, and us as a church body is making with this child. Everyone is committing to come alongside the family and child as they are raised in the church. We partner with you as this child is raised in the Lord, giving our support, prayers, and help to give this child a Christ-centered life.

If you are ready to have your child dedicated or want to be baptized, or have questions about some of these things, let us know! We would love to continue the conversation about what God is doing in your life and what the next step should be.

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